Manish Virmani
Direktur / Director
Bapak Manish Virmani lahir di New Delhi India, pada 16 Otober 1969 dan berkewarganegaraan India.. Beliau lulus dari Universitas Delhi sebagai Sarjana Sains jurusan Kimia di tahun 1989. Beliau kemudian melanjutkan untuk mengejar minatnya dibidang Garmen dan Fesyen dengan gelar Pasca Sarjana dari National Institute of Fashion Technology, New Delhi yang bergengsi.
Bapak Manish Virmani adalah veteran di industri dengan pengalaman dari perspektif pembelian Pelanggan dan dilengkapi dengan pengalaman Manufaktur dan manajemen rantai pasok di Industri. Beliau bergabung dengan Busana Apparel Group dari 2001 hingga 2005, dan kemudian bergabung kembali dalam grup di tahun 2009. Total pengalaman kerja dan assosiasi di Indonesia lebih dari 21 tahun. Keahliannya meliputi Perencanaan dan pengembangan strategis, pengembangan proses, Penciptaan Nilai, manajemen hubungan pelanggan, forecasting dan budgeting, dan koordinasi operasi bisnis secara keseluruhan.
Beliau pernah bekerja dengan merek-merek ternama seperti Macy’s, Mothercare, menjabat sebagai Country Manager perusahaan sourcing terkemuka di India, dan telah menjadi bagian dari kepemimpinan senior di berbagai organisasi manufaktur.
Bapak Vinod Sureka masuk pertama kalinya dalam jajaran manajemen PT. Eratex Djaja Tbk. sebagai Direktur berdasarkan keputusan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan yang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 30 Juni 2023 dan dinyatakan dalam Akta no.77 tanggal 30 Juni 2023 yang dibuat dihadapan SITARESMI PUSPADEWI SUBIANTO S.H., M.Kn., Notaris di Surabaya.
Mr. Manish Virmani was born in New Delhi India, on October 26, 1969 and is an Indian Citizen. He graduated from Delhi University as Bachelor of sciences with major in Chemistry in 1989. He then proceeded to pursue his passion in Garments and Fashion with Post Graduate Degree from the prestigious National Institute of Fashion Technology, New Delhi.
Mr Manish Virmani has been a veteran in the industry with experience from the Customer buying perspective and complimented with Manufacturing and supply chain management experiences in the Industry. He has been part of the Busana Apparel Group from 2001 till 2005, and then rejoined the group in 2009. His total work experience and association in Indonesia has been of over 21 years.
His skill set include strategic Planning and development, process improvement, Value Creation, Customer relationship management, forecasting and budgeting and overall business operations coordination.
He has worked with Leading Brands like Macy’s, Mothercare, has served as Country Manager of leading sourcing company in India, and has been part of the senior leadership in various manufacturing organizations
Mr Manish Virmani was involved for the first time in the management board of PT. Eratex Djaja Tbk. as Director based on Annual General Meeting of Shareholder decision on June 30th, 2023 as per stated in the Notarial Deed No. 77 dated June 30th, 2023 made by SITARESMI PUSPADEWI SUBIANTO S.H., M.Kn., Notary of Surabaya.
Mr. Vinod Sureka was born in Kolkata, India, on September 25, 1974 and is an Indian Citizen. He graduated as a Bachelor of Commerce from Calcutta University in 1997 and went on to become a qualified Chartered Accountant, from The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India in 1998 with 9th all India Rank.
He started his career in May’99 as Accounts officer with Indian Oil Corporation Limited in India and thereafter worked in various industries in Turkey, Thailand and Indonesia. He joined Busana Apparel Group in 2015 one of the leading Garment and Textile group company in Indonesia under which Company is, and is currently responsible for all Financial matters of the group
Mr. Vinod Sureka was involved for the first time in the management board of PT. Eratex Djaja Tbk. as Director based on Annual General Meeting of Shareholder decision on July 29th, 2022 as per restated in the Notarial Deed No. 156 dated August 26th, 2022 made by SITARESMI PUSPADEWI SUBIANTO S.H., M.Kn., Notary of Surabaya.